

## Macro title: My Macro
## Macro has a body: Y or N
## Body processing: Selected body processing option
## Output: Selected output option
## Developed by: CheungQ
## Date created: dd/mm/yyyy
## Installed by: CheungQ

## This is an example macro
## @param Host:title=域名|type=enum|enumValues=www.mydomain.com|required=true|desc=域名
## @param Port:title=端口|type=string|required=true|desc=端口号|default=80
## @param Name:title=API|type=string|required=true|desc=API路径,不用带斜杠

<a target="_blank" href="http://$paramHost:$paramPort/$paramName">http://$paramHost:$paramPort/$paramName</a>






The sections below describe each of the attributes in detail.

Attribute name


Required / Recommended / Optional

(an unnamed, first attribute) A unique name for the parameter. The parameter name is the first attribute in the list. The name attribute itself does not have a name. See the section on name below. Required
multiple Specifies whether the parameter accepts multiple values. Defaults to false. Optional
required Specifies whether the user must enter information for this parameter. Defaults to false. Optional
default The default value for the parameter. Optional
type The field type for the parameter. See the section on type below. Recommended
desc The parameter description will appear in the macro browser. Optional
title The parameter title will appear in the macro browser. If you do not specify a title, Confluence will use the parameter name. Recommended



Parameter type

The field type for the parameter. If you do not specify a type, the default is string.

Parameter type


boolean Displays a checkbox to the user and passes the value ‘true’ or ‘false’ to the macro as a string.
enum Offers a list of values for selection. You can specify the values to appear in a dropdown in the macro browser. Example of specifying the enum values:

## @param colour:title=Colour|type=enum|enumValues=Grey,Red,Yellow,Green

Note about i18n: Confluence does not support internationalisation of the enum values.The value the user sees is the one passed to the macro as the parameter value, with the capitalisation given. In this case ‘Grey’, ‘Red’, etc.

string A text field. This is the default type. Example with a required field:

## @param status:title=Status|type=string|required=true|desc=Status to display
confluence-content Offers a control allowing the user to search for a page or blog post. Example:

## @param page:title=Page|type=confluence-content|required=true|desc=Select a page do use
username Search for user.

## @param user:title=Username|type=username|desc=Select username to display
spacekey Offers a list of spaces for selection. Passes the space key to the macro. Example:

## @param space:title=Space|type=spacekey
date Confluence accepts this type, but currently treats it in the same way as ‘string’. Example:

## @param fromDate:title=From Date|type=date|desc=Date to start from. Format: dd/mm/YYYY 

Note about dates: A user can enter a date in any format, you should validate the date format in your user macro.

int Confluence accepts this type, but treats it in the same way as ‘string’. Example with a default value:

## @param numPosts:title=Number of Posts|type=int|default=15|desc=Number of posts to display
percentage Confluence accepts this type, but treats it in the same way as ‘string’. Example:

## @param pcent:title=Percentage|type=percentage|desc=Number of posts to display